Home Painting
Often used services
Starts ₹199
Starts ₹99
Starts ₹159
First Free consultation
Seasonal Home appliances Services
Starts ₹549 399
Chimney Seasonal Servicing
Starts ₹499 399
Cooler service & Cleaning
Starts ₹599 399
Water Purifier Services
Starts ₹699 499
Massage & Spa for women at home
Up to 30% OFF
Up to 30% OFF
Physiotherapy & cardio at home
Up to 30% OFF
Vision & Core values
“To be the world’s most customer-centric company, where anyone can choose their service requirement and get their job done at their defined time inside their home under the lowest possible prices. Make people live healthy & stress-free.”
"We try to make human's life easier and comfortable by providing quality services, that saves our customers precious time and money,, so that they can enjoy their life."
Core values
1. Strengthen: Make you feel stronger.
2. Simplicity: Make things easy for everyone
3. Security: People feel secure & Enjoy the life
4. Speed: Solve the issue within our defined lead time of varying services.
5. Skillfulness: Our professionals are skilled in their jobs as well as we provide them training and grooming classes on a timely basis to cope with this advanced culture.
Why to choose us
Trusted professional
We make sure that our professionals are highly skilled in their job frames so that our valuable customers get the best quality services by choosing us.
Skilled Professional
We ensure you the skill set of our professionals. We follow the skill matrics system where we scale the professionals and improve their skills by givings trainings.
Best price
The Best price sounds good & with great expertise it becomes awesome. We ensure our customers get the best quality services at a reasonable price.
Best customer satisfaction
All Employees & professionals work for our customers to create the best possible services that anyone can never experience before. We ensure our products & services are 100% genuine that offer the best customer experience.